Topic Guides / Employee Ownership

Employee Ownership

How can employee ownership help achieve your job quality goals?

Employee ownership is a pathway to improving jobs, by building workers’ wealth and increasing their decision making power in the workplace.

Employee ownership, including employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), employee owned trusts (EOTs), and worker cooperatives, offers a pathway to an economy in which workers share in the profits of their labor. In addition to supporting higher job quality for workers, a large body of research shows employee-owned companies have greater resilience, higher employee productivity, and less turnover. As millions of owners prepare to retire and sell their business, interest in employee ownership is growing due to its potential to improve job quality and drive business performance.

The following tools are intended to help users gain a broad understanding of employee ownership, become familiar with the steps involved in employee-owned startups and conversions, learn about how companies can build a strong ownership culture, and help users identify opportunities to support ownership at their organization.

How Employee Ownership Helps Achieve Your Job Quality Goals

Not sure how to get started? Our featured Employee Ownership resources can help guide your experience.

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