About the Job Quality Center of Excellence
All workers deserve good jobs. Here’s how we can get there.

Why Job Quality Matters
Good jobs are essential to a healthy economy, successful businesses, strong communities, thriving families, and a well-functioning democracy. Yet fewer than half of working people in the US report having a good job, and more than a third struggle with low wages. Millions more lack adequate benefits, face discrimination and harassment, and cope with the daily challenges of low-quality jobs.
The Job Quality Center of Excellence, developed by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program (opens in a new tab), offers tools, resources, and guidance on job quality for those working to build a more equitable and sustainable economy.
The Job Quality Challenge
Good jobs are possible, but out of reach for millions of working people.
The Job Quality Challenge
Good jobs are possible, but out of reach for millions of working people.
About the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program
The Job Quality Center of Excellence was developed by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program (EOP), whose mission is to advance strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy. Job quality is a central aspect of our work — but what do we mean when we say “job quality”?
Our definition of good jobs rests on a framework that we created in partnership with the Families & Workers Fund and unveiled as part of our Statement on Good Jobs. The framework identifies three key pillars of job quality: Economic Stability (wages, benefits, scheduling, and working conditions); Economic Mobility (hiring, advancement, training, and wealth-building); and Equity, Respect, and Voice (transparency, accountability, belonging, and worker voice).
These indicators are foundational to all good jobs in all sectors and all stages of a career, and the resources featured in the Job Quality Center of Excellence seek to advance job quality along these dimensions.
Good Jobs: A Working Definition

Topic Guides
Not sure how to get started? Topic Guides offer curated collections of resources focused on specific themes, perspectives, and industries, giving readers a more guided experience for advancing job quality in their work.

Our society relies on care workers. Improving their jobs is essential for a sustainable care economy.
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Employee ownership is a pathway to improving jobs, by building workers’ wealth and increasing their decision making power in the workplace.
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Eliminating existing inequities in our economy and workplaces is essential to creating dignified, sustainable, and safe jobs for all workers.
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Job quality frameworks help us define what a good job is and what our shared goals are for improving work
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