Topic Guides / Equity & Job Quality

Equity & Inclusion

Prioritizing equity is key to meaningfully improving work

Eliminating existing inequities in our economy and workplaces is essential to creating dignified, sustainable, and safe jobs for all workers.

Inequity in our economy is not new—poor worker protections and professional segregation is rooted in the US’ history of exclusion, racism, and slavery. It is vital to center equity when working to improve jobs, to make sure our new standards for what good work is uplift all workers and promote equity. Equity in job quality means not just eliminating wage and wealth disparities, but also access to benefits, workplaces that are safe, and workplaces free of harassment, intimidation, and racism.

The resources in this guide are a starting point for organizations seeking to improve their focus on equity or take specific actions. It features resources that help provide context and background information for how racial, gender, and other inequities manifest in terms of job quality, as well as actionale resources like assessments and audits.

Prioritizing Equity & Inclusion

Not sure how to get started? Our featured Equity & Inclusion resources can help guide your experience.

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