Topic Guides / Improving Care Work

Care Industry

How can we create better jobs for care workers?

Our society relies on care workers. Improving their jobs is essential for a sustainable care economy.

Care workers, who are disproportionately women of color and immigrants, all too often struggle to sustain themselves and their families with their work. Despite offering essential services that so many people in our society rely on at some point in their lives, their work is undervalued and, often, unsafe. Improving jobs in the care industry is not just important for the workers affected, who deserve jobs that meet their economic and social needs. It is also vital for those who rely on care for themselves or their loved ones–who need the care economy to be sustainable and well-functioning. 

Leaders working on job quality in the care industry have made significant progress, especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, in raising awareness of the needs of care workers. This guide is a starting point for those working to improve work in the care industry and includes research,  recommendations, and actionable tools specific to care work.

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